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Cylindropuntia ramosissima Cold Creek, NV 7000ft

Cylindropuntia ramosissima Cold Creek, NV 7000ft

Cylindropuntia ramosissima or Diamond Cholla is a small pencil cholla that only reaches 3ft tall in our climate. In the wild of the deep Mojave desert they can reach 6ft tall. For us this form has stayed small and more sprawing than upright. Flowers open green but can fade to a copper color if its a hot day above 105F. This is one of the later blooming cholla that blooms in July or mid summer. So far this clone has taken -22F and many minus teens. This plant gets a sweet potato like root can die to the ground if conditions are poor. This hasnt happened in our garden but have seen in nature, so I know it can happen. These like lots of gravel and sand. Plants always seem to have a few yellowed or dead looking stems so dont dread its death, its just the way they are. 


I do not guarantee these in a zone 5/6 because everyones growing conditions are different but this would be a good trial plant to grow in your cold outdoor garden. Try to plant outdoor 90 days before 1st hard freeze. 


"Winter Dormant" Plants have been kept outside under an unheated greenhouse and can be shipped bare-root without heat packs as long as temperatures are above 10F in your area. Would still wait to plant in spring to adapt better to your garden.


Shipping: Packages can be held for a specific date. Please see our shipping section for information.

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